IBM Books

Event Logging System Messages Guide

Web Server Cache - HTTP Proxy (WEBH)

This chapter describes Web Server Cache - HTTP Proxy (WEBH) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.



Short Syntax: WEBH.001 No Storage for HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port)

Long Syntax: WEBH.001 No Storage for HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port)

Description: The HTTP Proxy was not able to get required storage.



Short Syntax: WEBH.002 Parsing error for HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) conn ( connection)

Long Syntax: WEBH.002 Parsing error for HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) connection ( connection)

Description: The HTTP Proxy parser was unable to parse data. See event WEBH_8 for the TCP segment being parsed.



Short Syntax: WEBH.003 HTTP Proxy (cluster cluster port port) conn ( connection) could not get additional segment descriptor from TCP

Long Syntax: WEBH.003 HTTP Proxy (cluster cluster port port) connection ( connection) could not get additional segment descriptor from TCP

Description: The HTTP Proxy was not able to get additional segment descriptors from TCP for a block of data.



Short Syntax: WEBH.004 HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) partition ( partition) conn ( connection) went to tunneling

Long Syntax: WEBH.004 HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) partition ( partition) connection ( connection) went to tunneling

Description: The HTTP Proxy went to tunneling for the connection mention.



Short Syntax: WEBH.005 HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) conn ( connection) receive a non HTTP message

Long Syntax: WEBH.005 HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) connection ( connection) receive a non HTTP message

Description: The HTTP Proxy was not able to parse the message because it was not HTTP



Short Syntax: WEBH.006 HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) conn ( connection) received a boundary that was too big

Long Syntax: WEBH.006 HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) connection ( connection) received a boundary that was too big

Description: The HTTP Proxy was not able to parse the message because the boundary of the multipart/byteranges was bigger than this box supports.



Short Syntax: WEBH.007 HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) conn ( connection) received unsupported transfer-encoding

Long Syntax: WEBH.007 HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) connection ( connection) received unsupported transfer-encoding

Description: The HTTP Proxy was not able to parse the message because the transfer-encoding used was not supported.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: WEBH.008 string

Long Syntax: WEBH.008 string

Description: Dump of segment. See other messages for why it is being dumped.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: WEBH.009 HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) conn ( connection) new req being parsed

Long Syntax: WEBH.009 HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) connection ( connection) new request being parser

Description: The HTTP Proxy parser is start to parse a new request


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: WEBH.010 HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) conn ( connection) new resp being parsed

Long Syntax: WEBH.010 HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) connection ( connection) new response being parsed

Description: The HTTP Proxy parser is starting to parse a new response


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: WEBH.011 HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) partition ( partition) conn ( connection) not caching rsp because string

Long Syntax: WEBH.011 HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) partition ( partition) connection ( connection) not caching rsp because string

Description: The HTTP Proxy parser is will not cache the response (see text for reason)


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: WEBH.012 HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) partition ( partition) conn ( connection) not using cache because string

Long Syntax: WEBH.012 HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) partition ( partition) connection ( connection) not using cache because string

Description: The HTTP Proxy parser/cache is not using cache for meeting the request (see text for reason)


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: WEBH.013 HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) partition ( partition) started

Long Syntax: WEBH.013 HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) partition ( partition) started

Description: The HTTP Proxy was started for the cluster and port


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: WEBH.014 HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) partition ( partition) ended

Long Syntax: WEBH.014 HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) partition ( partition) ended

Description: The HTTP Proxy was ended for the cluster and port


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: WEBH.015 Conn ( connection) HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) partition ( partition) opened

Long Syntax: WEBH.015 Connection ( connection) HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) partition ( partition) opened

Description: The HTTP Proxy Connection was started for the cluster and port


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: WEBH.016 Conn ( connection) HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) partition ( partition) closed

Long Syntax: WEBH.016 Connection ( connection) HTTP Proxy(cluster cluster port port) partition ( partition) closed

Description: The HTTP Proxy Connection was closed for the cluster and port


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: WEBH.017 Client connection connection accepted as Socket socket

Long Syntax: WEBH.017 Client connection connection accepted as Socket socket

Description: A client has started a new connection.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: WEBH.018 Server connection connection completed as Socket socket

Long Syntax: WEBH.018 Server connection connection completed as Socket socket

Description: A new connection has been started to the server.



Short Syntax: WEBH.019 CONNECTING_TO_SERVER is unexpected (socket socket state 0x state)

Long Syntax: WEBH.019 CONNECTING TO SERVER is unexpected (socket socket state 0x state)

Description: The transient CONNECTING_TO_SERVER state is unexpected here


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: WEBH.020 Client connection connection (Socket socket) was handed off to cache_member

Long Syntax: WEBH.020 Client connection connection (Socket socket) was handed off to cache_member

Description: A connection has handed off to another cache in the cache array.

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